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Friday 11 March 2011

I can eat a lot, but I just choose to eat what I like

Tabitha is a good eater, and is a good healthy 20kgs, and way above her peers in height at 112cm tall, but boy does she test my patience when it comes to eating!
Tabitha, come and have your dinner please
Huh, I don't want that!
then storms off in a huff because instead of a plateful of chocolates and sweets, it's poached cod with rice and vegetables.  So far it's taken one hour to eat half of her dinner, and it's not because she doesn't like it, but it's not her favourite meal.

Now here's another story.  Tabitha 'doesn't like rice or peas', but there is a certain brand which supply frozen rice with peas, sweetcorn and broccoli and she has never, not once, mentioned that it contains rice and peas!  If I try to make it myself, all I hear is
 "Yuk, I'm not eating peas or rice because I don't like it, yuk!"
So tonight it's the branded one, pop it in the microwave for 2 1/2 minutes and there it is.

Tabitha's top 10 dinners

1.Macaroni Cheese
2. Roast Dinner
3. Poached Egg
4. Cous Cous in sauce (pesto)
5. Chicken Leg
6 Poached Cod
7. Sausages
8. Burger
9. Chicken Nuggets (100% breast of course)
10. Pasta and pesto

All of the above can be accompanied by bucket loads of tomatoes, baby sweetcorn, raw carrots, cauliflower, and if I'm lucky cucumber and on the odd occasion broccoli!  She'll do anything for an egg mayonnaise sandwich (or as she calls it eggonnaise), but oh what a struggle she can be. 

She won't eat minced anything of any kind, so no bolognaise, meatballs, lasagna, shepherd's pie, won't eat anything chewy, and as we're not big meat eaters ourselves, she's never had a chop, doesn't like bacon, not keen on ham, doesn't like lamb or pork, sweet potato, avocado, butternut squash!  Doesn't like 'bit's, won't eat fish pie, but will try anything, so just when I have hope, she dashes them at the last hurdle!

Tomorrow, all about Tabitha's cats, poor things who she loves to terrorise and who can't get out of the catflap fast enough!

Thursday 10 March 2011

The Gromet Operation

Hi all, well yesterday Tabitha had her Grommet's fitted.  A day she had been looking forward to; as in her eyes a day at the hospital and having a needle in her hand to make her sleep was fun!  For me, I was daunted, because I don't respond well to anaesthetic's and hoped she would take after Daddy.  Arrived at the hospital for 07.45, taken to her 'day-bed', numbing cream placed, gown on and all seemed OK.  09.00 and with Mummy in scrubs and Tabitha in her gown we were taken to the theatre 'The theatre Mummy, are we seeing a show?' my bemused 4 year old asked 'No darling, it's an operating theatre' and my reply was as required.

Now here it gets teary, because they couldn't get a vein up in either of her hands and watching her little chubby hands being squeezed, squashed and squished to get a cannula in wasn't the nicest thing to watch.  After 3 attempts they resorted to 'the mask' :o(  The nitrus oxide was making her eyes smart and soon the anaesthetic came through, she was out and I was blubbing.  Worse was to come when some 20 minutes later I could hear my little one crying out for 'Mama' in the recovery room (which I wasn't allowed to go in), so in went Larry her bedtime soother toy since birth.  It was heart wrenching to hear her sobs and I nearly burst through the doors to get her when they brought her through to us.

They had managed to stick a cannula in her hand and it was hurting her terribly, her little sobs could not be consoled and she was then sick (despite the anti-sickness drugs) and promptly slept for 2 hours.  When she woke it was as if nothing had happened and only complained of pain in her hand.  At midday she was released and via the balloon shop we came home (hurrah!)

She still hadn't eaten, but then slept for another 2 hours, woke, had medicine, went back to sleep for another 2 hours, had more medicine, tried some food and was then sick................twice.  Oh dear, so with Daddy sent off to the spare room, I had Tabitha in with me and was woken at 12.00am, 2.30am, 3.30am and then she was wide awake at 4.30am following a night of water requests, wee wee requirements and needing medicine because both her tummy and throat were sore :o(

At 5.30am I woke hubby who was not best pleased, but I had to have some sleep if I was to cope with the 'day after the op' and the various trades people coming to the house, along with her best friend Florence B.

Oh how the mighty fall with lack of sleep.............I felt punch drunk this morning whilst Tabitha and Florence were full of beans and having lots of fun!

Good news is that Miss T is now much, much better and was back to terrorising the 3 cats, eating chocolate and generally being her happy, smiley self begging me to take her to nursery or the fun fair (as she calls Chessington!)

My day was Tabitha awake, a cuppa from hubby, Skype call from Oz, visitors, tradesman fixing door, 2 deliveries, Florence, her Mummy and brother, phone calls galore, Sky man and shutter man, Tabitha sleeping and setting up this page.

I hope you've enjoyed a day in the life of Tabitha and Me